Babaji - Gateway to the Light
Experiences with the Great Immortal Master
EUR 10.10import_contactsBuch von Reichel, Gertraud
Erschienen: 01.07.1990
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"Your Heart is my temple. Keep my temple pure". Babaji, 1980
Inside inaccessible caves and crevices of the Himalayan mountains, divine beings, yogis and saints have been absorbed in deep meditation over thousands of years. In a cave at the foot of Mount Kailash, Babaji was found in 1970 in a state of samadhi and was recognised as the Mahavatar, the timeless, divine incarnation. Ancient tradition, prophecies and accounts of disciples' experiences, including dreams and visions, heralded his coming. Babaji taught from 1970 to 1984 and called to Him devotees and disciples from all continents of the world. Who He was, how He taught and lived are questions the following accounts of experiences attempt to address. These stories enable Him to become visible before our very eyes. Let yourself also bring Him to life in your own heart.
Gertraud Reichel lived with her husband for several years in Cairo, Egypt, and in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where she received her master's degree in linguistics.
After the encounter with the famous Master Babaji in 1979 in India, she founded the G. Reichel Verlag, which published the first books about this master. Since then, the publishing house has grown steadily with the aim to impart knowledge.
She currently lives in Bavaria and has two children.
Produktform: MobiPocket
Auflage: 1. Auflage der MobiPocket Ausgabe
Seiten der gedruckten Ausgabe: 161
Verlag: Reichel Verlag
Erschienen: 15.07.2016
Sprache: Englisch
Autor: Reichel, Gertraud
Bearbeiter: aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von: Pujarin, Anjana
GTIN: 9783946433590
ISBN-10: 3-946433-59-6
ISBN-13: 978-3-946433-59-0
Reichel Verlag Bestseller-Rang: Platz 8 in Englische E-Books (Siehe Bestseller Seite)
Platz 26 in Ratgeber
> Spiritualität
> Babaji